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Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by TundraDancingGal
11/30/2015  7:13:00 PM
I've been dancing about 2 1/2 years. I started with group lessons when our daughter got married and added private lessons about 3 months ago. My instructor suggested we participate in a mini-showcase. It will be during a break at a dance sponsored by our local Art Center. Obviously, our music is pre-recorded but there will be a Big Band playing that evening, so several 100 people, and some very good dancers, will be there.

I feel a bit over my head. As much as I love my new activity I've never really danced before. I know I can't perform as well as I'd like to in the time that's left, so how do I make my peace with that and just keep focusing on improving and doing the best I can? It's one thing to say, it's another to do it. My instructor's terrific, patient and supportive, but I think he's over-estimating my ability. We'll be doing a rumba at a bronze level with various figures like traveling cross; spiral, walk-around, underarm, pivot and chainee turns. Also a dip, leg crawl etc. I've gotten very positive comments from people who happened to see our practices, but they're not dancers. On the videos I can see my technique's suffered as I focus on the patterns. We're practicing about 5 hours per week the last few weeks and I've improved a lot, but I still flinch a bit when I see the videos. Any suggestions besides "don't be too hard on yourself"? It's 2:14 minutes long to Sting's Fields of Gold. Thanks.
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by ladydance
12/1/2015  2:49:00 PM
The first time is the hardest but I don't think your instructor is over-estimating your abilities, rather he thinks you need to try a showcase to see how it feels. Not everyone wants to perform and if you decide it isn't for you, then don't be pressured to try again. You probably will make mistakes but everyone there will understand and most won't notice. Keep smiling, keep moving, and don't forget your arms. Focus on your instructor. See it as a victory if you make it through the routine without any major mistakes. 99.9% of the people in the world could never do what you are doing so be proud that you have the guts to get out there. Breathe, follow and enjoy!
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by TundraDancingGal
12/2/2015  10:05:00 AM
Thank you so much LadyDance. I appreciate the support, Also, I found one of the best things to do when you feel this way is to talk to your instructor. Yes, it seems obvious, but I wasn't sure how to start the conversation. When I got to practice last night, he immediately asked how my foot was doing,the Morton's Neuroma was pretty bad at the last class. Then he asked if I was still enjoying myself. I gave a weak smile and then we talked. He re-assured me that I was doing fine and said all the things you're saying here.

Before I went to class, I was seriously considering pulling out as I didn't think there could be enough improvement in the next 10 days to make it worth doing. So his comments were the first steps to feeling more confident, then we discussed a few trouble spots. I then had my best practice to date as I was so much more relaxed.

I'll still be nervous, and know I could always do better, but things went so well, my anxiety level's back to being manageable. Unfortunately, my arm-styling is my weakest part, but I'm now working on some key movements. I start out by myself with cucarachas, swivels and rumba walks, as he's shadowing me. Talk about pressure! But then we're together and I'll focus on the connection and following.
Re: Help! First showcase, need advice
Posted by ladydance
12/2/2015  3:37:00 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better. I refuse to beat myself up or apologize for my dancing and neither should you. I started when I was 45 years old! Of course, I want to get better and work hard to achieve that but I'll never be great. I too, suffer from Morton's Neuroma which makes dancing in latin shoes very painful. Luckily, I can wear my orthotics in my standard shoes and the pain is minimal. The reason I mentioned your arms is because I did a performance (cha cha), I thought my arms were OK. When I saw the video, I saw that my hands were balled up and I was kind of chicken-winged. Next time, I went all out with the arms and actually got compliments. Let us know how it goes!

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